Running Tests



The simplest way to get up and running with Haystack’s tests is to run:

pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

This installs all of the backend libraries & all dependencies for getting the tests going. You will still have to setup search servers (for running Solr tests, the spatial Solr tests & the Elasticsearch tests).


If you’d rather not run all the tests, install only the backends you need. Additionally, Haystack uses the Mock library for testing. You will need to install it before running the tests:

pip install mock

Core Haystack Functionality

In order to test Haystack with the minimum amount of unnecessary mocking and to stay as close to real-world use as possible, Haystack ships with a test app (called core) within the django-haystack/tests directory.

In the event you need to run Haystack‘s tests (such as testing bugfixes/modifications), here are the steps to getting them running:

cd django-haystack/tests
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/..:`pwd` test core --settings=settings

Haystack is maintained with all tests passing at all times, so if you receive any errors during testing, please check your setup and file a report if the errors persist.


If you want to test a backend, the steps are the same with the exception of the settings module and the app to test. To test an engine, use the engine_settings module within the tests directory, substituting the engine for the name of the proper backend. You’ll also need to specify the app for that engine. For instance, to run the Solr backend’s tests:

cd django-haystack/tests
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/..:`pwd` test solr_tests --settings=solr_settings

Or, to run the Whoosh backend’s tests:

cd django-haystack/tests
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/..:`pwd` test whoosh_tests --settings=whoosh_settings

Or, to run the Elasticsearch backend’s tests:

cd django-haystack/tests
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/..:`pwd` test elasticsearch_tests --settings=elasticsearch_settings

Configuring Solr

Haystack assumes that you have a Solr server running on port 9001 which uses the schema and configuration provided in the tests/ directory. Currently, these steps will result in a working test server:

  1. Download the current Solr release from
  2. Copy tests/solrconfig.xml to example/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml
  3. Copy tests/solr_test_schema.xml to example/solr/conf/schema.xml
  4. Change into the example directory
  5. Start Solr: java -Djetty.port=9001 -jar start.jar

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