SearchBackend API

class SearchBackend(site=None)

The SearchBackend class handles interaction directly with the backend. The search query it performs is usually fed to it from a SearchQuery class that has been built for that backend.

This class must be at least partially implemented on a per-backend basis and is usually accompanied by a SearchQuery class within the same module.

Unless you are writing a new backend, it is unlikely you need to directly access this class.

Method Reference


SearchBackend.update(self, index, iterable)

Updates the backend when given a SearchIndex and a collection of documents.

This method MUST be implemented by each backend, as it will be highly specific to each one.


SearchBackend.remove(self, obj_or_string)

Removes a document/object from the backend. Can be either a model instance or the identifier (i.e. in the event the object no longer exists.

This method MUST be implemented by each backend, as it will be highly specific to each one.


SearchBackend.clear(self, models=[])

Clears the backend of all documents/objects for a collection of models.

This method MUST be implemented by each backend, as it will be highly specific to each one.


SearchBackend.prep_value(self, value)

Hook to give the backend a chance to prep an attribute value before sending it to the search engine.

By default, just force it to unicode.


SearchBackend.more_like_this(self, model_instance, additional_query_string=None, result_class=None)

Takes a model object and returns results the backend thinks are similar.

This method MUST be implemented by each backend, as it will be highly specific to each one.


SearchBackend.build_schema(self, fields)

Takes a dictionary of fields and returns schema information.

This method MUST be implemented by each backend, as it will be highly specific to each one.



Builds a list of registered models for searching.

The search method should use this and the django_ct field to narrow the results (unless the user indicates not to). This helps ignore any results that are not currently registered models and ensures consistent caching.

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