Welcome to Haystack! ==================== Haystack provides modular search for Django. It features a unified, familiar API that allows you to plug in different search backends (such as Solr_, Whoosh_, Xapian_, etc.) without having to modify your code. .. _Solr: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/ .. _Whoosh: http://whoosh.ca/ .. _Xapian: http://xapian.org/ .. note:: This documentation represents the development version of Haystack. For old versions of the documentation: `1.0`_, `1.1`_. .. _`1.0`: http://docs.haystacksearch.org/1.0/ .. _`1.1`: http://docs.haystacksearch.org/1.1/ Getting Started --------------- If you're new to Haystack, you may want to start with these documents to get you up and running: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 tutorial .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 views_and_forms templatetags glossary management_commands faq who_uses other_apps installing_search_engines debugging Advanced Uses ------------- Once you've got Haystack working, here are some of the more complex features you may want to include in your application. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 best_practices highlighting faceting autocomplete boost do_not_try_this_at_home Reference --------- If you're an experienced user and are looking for a reference, you may be looking for API documentation and advanced usage as detailed in: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 searchqueryset_api searchindex_api searchfield_api searchresult_api searchsite_api searchquery_api searchbackend_api architecture_overview backend_support settings utils Developing ---------- Finally, if you're looking to help out with the development of Haystack, the following links should help guide you on running tests and creating additional backends: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 running_tests creating_new_backends Requirements ------------ Haystack has a relatively easily-met set of requirements. * Python 2.4+ (may work on 2.3 but untested) * Django 1.0+ Additionally, each backend has its own requirements. You should refer to :doc:`installing_search_engines` for more details.